Source code for supybot.callbacks

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Jeremiah Fincher
# Copyright (c) 2014, James McCoy
# Copyright (c) 2010-2021, The Limnoria Contributors
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
#   * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
#     this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer.
#   * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
#     this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the
#     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
#   * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of
#     contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products
#     derived from this software without specific prior written consent.

This module contains the basic callbacks for handling PRIVMSGs.

import re
import copy
import time
from . import shlex
import codecs
import getopt
import inspect
import warnings

from . import (conf, ircdb, irclib, ircmsgs, ircutils, log, registry,
        utils, world)
from .utils import minisix
from .utils.iter import any, all
from .i18n import PluginInternationalization
_ = PluginInternationalization()

def _addressed(irc, msg, prefixChars=None, nicks=None,
              prefixStrings=None, whenAddressedByNick=None,
              whenAddressedByNickAtEnd=None, payload=None):
    """Determines whether this message is a command to the bot (because of a
    prefix char/string, or because the bot's nick is used as prefix, or because
    it's a private message, etc.).
    Returns the actual content of the command (ie. the content of the message,
    stripped of the prefix that was used to determine if it's addressed).

    If 'payload' is not None, its value is used instead of msg.args[1] as the
    content of the message."""
    if isinstance(irc, str):
            "callbacks.addressed's first argument should now be be the Irc "
            "object instead of the bot's nick.",
        network = None
        nick = irc
        network =
        nick = irc.nick
    def get(group):
        v = group.getSpecific(network=network,
        return v()
    def stripPrefixStrings(payload):
        for prefixString in prefixStrings:
            if payload.startswith(prefixString):
                payload = payload[len(prefixString):].lstrip()
        return payload

    assert msg.command in ('PRIVMSG', 'TAGMSG'), msg.command
    target = or msg.args[0]
    if not payload:
        payload = msg.args[1]
    if not payload:
        return ''
    if prefixChars is None:
        prefixChars = get(conf.supybot.reply.whenAddressedBy.chars)
    if whenAddressedByNick is None:
        whenAddressedByNick = get(conf.supybot.reply.whenAddressedBy.nick)
    if whenAddressedByNickAtEnd is None:
        r = conf.supybot.reply.whenAddressedBy.nick.atEnd
        whenAddressedByNickAtEnd = get(r)
    if prefixStrings is None:
        prefixStrings = get(conf.supybot.reply.whenAddressedBy.strings)
    # We have to check this before nicks -- try "@google supybot" with supybot
    # and whenAddressedBy.nick.atEnd on to see why.
    if any(payload.startswith, prefixStrings):
        return stripPrefixStrings(payload)
    elif payload[0] in prefixChars:
        return payload[1:].strip()
    if nicks is None:
        nicks = get(conf.supybot.reply.whenAddressedBy.nicks)
        nicks = list(map(ircutils.toLower, nicks))
        nicks = list(nicks) # Just in case.
    nicks.insert(0, ircutils.toLower(nick))
    # Ok, let's see if it's a private message.
    if ircutils.nickEqual(target, nick):
        payload = stripPrefixStrings(payload)
        while payload and payload[0] in prefixChars:
            payload = payload[1:].lstrip()
        return payload
    # Ok, not private.  Does it start with our nick?
    elif whenAddressedByNick:
        for nick in nicks:
            lowered = ircutils.toLower(payload)
            if lowered.startswith(nick):
                    (maybeNick, rest) = payload.split(None, 1)
                    toContinue = False
                    while not ircutils.isNick(maybeNick, strictRfc=True):
                        if maybeNick[-1].isalnum():
                            toContinue = True
                        maybeNick = maybeNick[:-1]
                    if toContinue:
                    if ircutils.nickEqual(maybeNick, nick):
                        return rest
                except ValueError: # split didn't work.
            elif whenAddressedByNickAtEnd and lowered.endswith(nick):
                rest = payload[:-len(nick)]
                possiblePayload = rest.rstrip(' \t,;')
                if possiblePayload != rest:
                    # There should be some separator between the nick and the
                    # previous alphanumeric character.
                    return possiblePayload
    if get(conf.supybot.reply.whenNotAddressed):
        return payload
        return ''

[docs]def addressed(irc, msg, **kwargs): """If msg is addressed to 'name', returns the portion after the address. Otherwise returns the empty string. """ payload = msg.addressed if payload is not None: return payload else: payload = _addressed(irc, msg, **kwargs) msg.tag('addressed', payload) return payload
[docs]def canonicalName(command, preserve_spaces=False): """Turn a command into its canonical form. Currently, this makes everything lowercase and removes all dashes and underscores. """ if minisix.PY2 and isinstance(command, unicode): command = command.encode('utf-8') elif minisix.PY3 and isinstance(command, bytes): command = command.decode() special = '\t-_' if not preserve_spaces: special += ' ' reAppend = '' while command and command[-1] in special: reAppend = command[-1] + reAppend command = command[:-1] return ''.join([x for x in command if x not in special]).lower() + reAppend
[docs]def reply(*args, **kwargs): warnings.warn('callbacks.reply is deprecated. Use irc.reply instead.', DeprecationWarning) return _makeReply(dynamic.irc, *args, **kwargs)
def _makeReply(irc, msg, s, prefixNick=None, private=None, notice=None, to=None, action=None, error=False, stripCtcp=True): msg.tag('repliedTo') # Ok, let's make the target: # XXX This isn't entirely right. Consider to=#foo, private=True. target = ircutils.replyTo(msg) def isPublic(s): return irc.isChannel(irc.stripChannelPrefix(s)) if to is not None and isPublic(to): target = to if isPublic(target): channel = irc.stripChannelPrefix(target) else: channel = None if notice is None: notice = conf.get(conf.supybot.reply.withNotice, channel=channel, if private is None: private = conf.get(conf.supybot.reply.inPrivate, channel=channel, if prefixNick is None: prefixNick = conf.get(conf.supybot.reply.withNickPrefix, channel=channel, if error: notice =conf.get(conf.supybot.reply.error.withNotice, channel=channel, or notice private=conf.get(conf.supybot.reply.error.inPrivate, channel=channel, or private s = _('Error: ') + s if private: prefixNick = False if to is None: target = msg.nick else: target = to if action: prefixNick = False if to is None: to = msg.nick if stripCtcp: s = s.strip('\x01') # Ok, now let's make the payload: s = ircutils.safeArgument(s) if not s and not action: s = _('Error: I tried to send you an empty message.') if prefixNick and isPublic(target): # Let's may sure we don't do, "#channel: foo.". if not isPublic(to): s = '%s: %s' % (to, s) if not isPublic(target): if conf.supybot.reply.withNoticeWhenPrivate(): notice = True # And now, let's decide whether it's a PRIVMSG or a NOTICE. msgmaker = ircmsgs.privmsg if notice: msgmaker = ircmsgs.notice # We don't use elif here because actions can't be sent as NOTICEs. if action: msgmaker = ircmsgs.action # Finally, we'll return the actual message. ret = msgmaker(target, s) ret.tag('inReplyTo', msg) if 'msgid' in msg.server_tags \ and conf.supybot.protocols.irc.experimentalExtensions() \ and 'message-tags' in irc.state.capabilities_ack: # In theory, msgid being in server_tags implies message-tags was # negotiated, but the +reply spec requires it explicitly. Plus, there's # no harm in doing this extra check, in case a plugin is replying # across network (as it may happen with '@network command'). ret.server_tags['+draft/reply'] = msg.server_tags['msgid'] return ret
[docs]def error(*args, **kwargs): warnings.warn('callbacks.error is deprecated. Use irc.error instead.', DeprecationWarning) return _makeErrorReply(dynamic.irc, *args, **kwargs)
def _makeErrorReply(irc, msg, s, **kwargs): """Makes an error reply to msg with the appropriate error payload.""" kwargs['error'] = True msg.tag('isError') return _makeReply(irc, msg, s, **kwargs)
[docs]def getHelp(method, name=None, doc=None): if name is None: name = method.__name__ if doc is None: if method.__doc__ is None: doclines = ['This command has no help. Complain to the author.'] else: doclines = method.__doc__.splitlines() else: doclines = doc.splitlines() s = '%s %s' % (name, doclines.pop(0)) if doclines: help = ' '.join(doclines) s = '(%s) -- %s' % (ircutils.bold(s), help) return utils.str.normalizeWhitespace(s)
[docs]def getSyntax(method, name=None, doc=None): if name is None: name = method.__name__ if doc is None: doclines = method.__doc__.splitlines() else: doclines = doc.splitlines() return '%s %s' % (name, doclines[0])
[docs]class Error(Exception): """Generic class for errors in Privmsg callbacks.""" pass
[docs]class ArgumentError(Error): """The bot replies with a help message when this is raised.""" pass
[docs]class SilentError(Error): """An error that we should not notify the user.""" pass
[docs]class Tokenizer(object): # This will be used as a global environment to evaluate strings in. # Evaluation is, of course, necessary in order to allow escaped # characters to be properly handled. # # These are the characters valid in a token. Everything printable except # double-quote, left-bracket, and right-bracket. separators = '\x00\r\n \t' def __init__(self, brackets='', pipe=False, quotes='"'): if brackets: self.separators += brackets self.left = brackets[0] self.right = brackets[1] else: self.left = '' self.right = '' self.pipe = pipe if self.pipe: self.separators += '|' self.quotes = quotes self.separators += quotes def _handleToken(self, token): if token[0] == token[-1] and token[0] in self.quotes: token = token[1:-1] # FIXME: No need to tell you this is a hack. # It has to handle both IRC commands and serialized configuration. # # Whoever you are, if you make a single modification to this # code, TEST the code with Python 2 & 3, both with the unit # tests and on IRC with this: @echo "好" if minisix.PY2: try: token = token.encode('utf8').decode('string_escape') token = token.decode('utf8') except: token = token.decode('string_escape') else: token = codecs.getencoder('utf8')(token)[0] token = codecs.getdecoder('unicode_escape')(token)[0] try: token = token.encode('iso-8859-1').decode() except: # Prevent issue with tokens like '"\\x80"'. pass return token def _insideBrackets(self, lexer): ret = [] while True: token = lexer.get_token() if not token: raise SyntaxError(_('Missing "%s". You may want to ' 'quote your arguments with double ' 'quotes in order to prevent extra ' 'brackets from being evaluated ' 'as nested commands.') % self.right) elif token == self.right: return ret elif token == self.left: ret.append(self._insideBrackets(lexer)) else: ret.append(self._handleToken(token)) return ret def tokenize(self, s): lexer = shlex.shlex( lexer.commenters = '' lexer.quotes = self.quotes lexer.separators = self.separators args = [] ends = [] while True: token = lexer.get_token() if not token: break elif token == '|' and self.pipe: # The "and self.pipe" might seem redundant here, but it's there # for strings like 'foo | bar', where a pipe stands alone as a # token, but shouldn't be treated specially. if not args: raise SyntaxError(_('"|" with nothing preceding. I ' 'obviously can\'t do a pipe with ' 'nothing before the |.')) ends.append(args) args = [] elif token == self.left: args.append(self._insideBrackets(lexer)) elif token == self.right: raise SyntaxError(_('Spurious "%s". You may want to ' 'quote your arguments with double ' 'quotes in order to prevent extra ' 'brackets from being evaluated ' 'as nested commands.') % self.right) else: args.append(self._handleToken(token)) if ends: if not args: raise SyntaxError(_('"|" with nothing following. I ' 'obviously can\'t do a pipe with ' 'nothing after the |.')) args.append(ends.pop()) while ends: args[-1].append(ends.pop()) return args
[docs]def tokenize(s, channel=None, network=None): """A utility function to create a Tokenizer and tokenize a string.""" pipe = False brackets = '' nested = conf.supybot.commands.nested if nested(): brackets = nested.brackets.getSpecific(network, channel)() if conf.get(nested.pipeSyntax, channel=channel, network=network): # No nesting, no pipe. pipe = True quotes = conf.supybot.commands.quotes.getSpecific(network, channel)() try: ret = Tokenizer(brackets=brackets,pipe=pipe,quotes=quotes).tokenize(s) return ret except ValueError as e: raise SyntaxError(str(e))
[docs]def formatCommand(command): return ' '.join(command)
[docs]def checkCommandCapability(msg, cb, commandName): plugin = if not isinstance(commandName, minisix.string_types): assert commandName[0] == plugin, ('checkCommandCapability no longer ' 'accepts command names that do not start with the callback\'s ' 'name (%s): %s') % (plugin, commandName) commandName = '.'.join(commandName) def checkCapability(capability): assert ircdb.isAntiCapability(capability) if ircdb.checkCapability(msg.prefix, capability):'Preventing %s from calling %s because of %s.', msg.prefix, commandName, capability) raise RuntimeError(capability) try: antiCommand = ircdb.makeAntiCapability(commandName) checkCapability(antiCommand) checkAtEnd = [commandName] default = conf.supybot.capabilities.default() if channel = checkCapability(ircdb.makeChannelCapability(channel, antiCommand)) chanCommand = ircdb.makeChannelCapability(channel, commandName) checkAtEnd += [chanCommand] default &= ircdb.channels.getChannel(channel).defaultAllow return not (default or \ any(lambda x: ircdb.checkCapability(msg.prefix, x), checkAtEnd)) except RuntimeError as e: s = ircdb.unAntiCapability(str(e)) return s
[docs]class RichReplyMethods(object): """This is a mixin so these replies need only be defined once. It operates under several assumptions, including the fact that 'self' is an Irc object of some sort and there is a self.msg that is an IrcMsg.""" def __makeReply(self, prefix, s): if s: s = '%s %s' % (prefix, s) else: s = prefix return ircutils.standardSubstitute(self, self.msg, s) def _getConfig(self, wrapper): return conf.get(wrapper,,
[docs] def replySuccess(self, s='', **kwargs): r"""Replies with a success message, configurable with ``supybot.replies.success`` or the Success plugin. :arg str s: Text to append to the standard success message :arg \**kwargs: See :meth:`NestedCommandsIrcProxy.reply`'s keyword arguments """ v = self._getConfig(conf.supybot.replies.success) if v: s = self.__makeReply(v, s) return self.reply(s, **kwargs) else: self.noReply()
[docs] def replyError(self, s='', **kwargs): v = self._getConfig(conf.supybot.replies.error) if 'msg' in kwargs: msg = kwargs['msg'] if ircdb.checkCapability(msg.prefix, 'owner'): v = self._getConfig(conf.supybot.replies.errorOwner) s = self.__makeReply(v, s) return self.reply(s, **kwargs)
def _getTarget(self, to=None): """Compute the target according to, the provided to, and self.private, and return it. Mainly used by reply methods.""" # FIXME: Don't set # I still set it to be sure I don't introduce a regression, # but it does not make sense for .reply() and .replies() to # change the state of this Irc object. if to is not None: = or to if self.private: target = to or self.msg.nick elif is None: target = self.msg.nick else: target = or self.msg.args[0] return target
[docs] def replies(self, L, prefixer=None, joiner=None, onlyPrefixFirst=False, oneToOne=None, **kwargs): if prefixer is None: prefixer = '' if joiner is None: joiner = utils.str.commaAndify if isinstance(prefixer, minisix.string_types): prefixer = prefixer.__add__ if isinstance(joiner, minisix.string_types): joiner = joiner.join to = self._getTarget(kwargs.get('to')) if oneToOne is None: # Can be True, False, or None if self.irc.isChannel(to): oneToOne = conf.get(conf.supybot.reply.oneToOne, channel=to, else: oneToOne = conf.supybot.reply.oneToOne() if oneToOne: return self.reply(prefixer(joiner(L)), **kwargs) else: msg = None first = True for s in L: if onlyPrefixFirst: if first: first = False msg = self.reply(prefixer(s), **kwargs) else: msg = self.reply(s, **kwargs) else: msg = self.reply(prefixer(s), **kwargs) return msg
[docs] def noReply(self, msg=None): self.repliedTo = True
def _error(self, s, Raise=False, **kwargs): if Raise: raise Error(s) else: return self.error(s, **kwargs)
[docs] def errorNoCapability(self, capability, s='', **kwargs): if 'Raise' not in kwargs: kwargs['Raise'] = True log.warning('Denying %s for lacking %q capability.', self.msg.prefix, capability) # noCapability means "don't send a specific capability error # message" not "don't send a capability error message at all", like # one would think if self._getConfig(conf.supybot.reply.error.noCapability) or \ capability in conf.supybot.capabilities.private(): v = self._getConfig(conf.supybot.replies.genericNoCapability) else: v = self._getConfig(conf.supybot.replies.noCapability) try: v %= capability except TypeError: # No %s in string pass s = self.__makeReply(v, s) if s: return self._error(s, **kwargs) elif kwargs['Raise']: raise Error()
[docs] def errorPossibleBug(self, s='', **kwargs): v = self._getConfig(conf.supybot.replies.possibleBug) if s: s += ' (%s)' % v else: s = v return self._error(s, **kwargs)
[docs] def errorNotRegistered(self, s='', **kwargs): v = self._getConfig(conf.supybot.replies.notRegistered) return self._error(self.__makeReply(v, s), **kwargs)
[docs] def errorNoUser(self, s='', name='that user', **kwargs): if 'Raise' not in kwargs: kwargs['Raise'] = True v = self._getConfig(conf.supybot.replies.noUser) try: v = v % name except TypeError: log.warning('supybot.replies.noUser should have one "%s" in it.') return self._error(self.__makeReply(v, s), **kwargs)
[docs] def errorRequiresPrivacy(self, s='', **kwargs): v = self._getConfig(conf.supybot.replies.requiresPrivacy) return self._error(self.__makeReply(v, s), **kwargs)
[docs] def errorInvalid(self, what, given=None, s='', repr=True, **kwargs): if given is not None: if repr: given = _repr(given) else: given = '"%s"' % given v = _('%s is not a valid %s.') % (given, what) else: v = _('That\'s not a valid %s.') % what if 'Raise' not in kwargs: kwargs['Raise'] = True if s: v += ' ' + s return self._error(v, **kwargs)
_repr = repr
[docs]class ReplyIrcProxy(RichReplyMethods): """This class is a thin wrapper around an irclib.Irc object that gives it the reply() and error() methods (as well as everything in RichReplyMethods, based on those two).""" _mores = ircutils.IrcDict() def __init__(self, irc, msg): self.irc = irc self.msg = msg self.getRealIrc()._setMsgChannel(self.msg)
[docs] def getRealIrc(self): """Returns the real irclib.Irc object underlying this proxy chain.""" if isinstance(self.irc, irclib.Irc): return self.irc else: return self.irc.getRealIrc()
# This should make us be considered equal to our irclib.Irc object for # hashing; an important thing (no more "too many open files" exceptions :)) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.getRealIrc()) def __eq__(self, other): return self.getRealIrc() == other __req__ = __eq__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) __rne__ = __ne__
[docs] def error(self, s, msg=None, **kwargs): if 'Raise' in kwargs and kwargs['Raise']: raise Error() if msg is None: msg = self.msg if s: m = _makeErrorReply(self, msg, s, **kwargs) self.irc.queueMsg(m) return m
def _defaultPrefixNick(self, msg): if return conf.get(conf.supybot.reply.withNickPrefix,, else: return conf.supybot.reply.withNickPrefix()
[docs] def reply(self, s, msg=None, **kwargs): """ Keyword arguments: :arg bool noLengthCheck: True if the length shouldn't be checked (used for 'more' handling) :arg bool prefixNick: False if the nick shouldn't be prefixed to the reply. :arg bool action: True if the reply should be an action. :arg bool private: True if the reply should be in private. :arg bool notice: True if the reply should be noticed when the bot is configured to do so. :arg str to: The nick or channel the reply should go to. Defaults to msg.args[0] (or msg.nick if private) :arg bool sendImmediately: True if the reply should use sendMsg() which bypasses conf.supybot.protocols.irc.throttleTime and gets sent before any queued messages """ if msg is None: msg = self.msg assert not isinstance(s, ircmsgs.IrcMsg), \ 'Old code alert: there is no longer a "msg" argument to reply.' kwargs.pop('noLengthCheck', None) if 'target' not in kwargs: # TODO: deduplicate this with _getTarget # TODO: it looks like 'target' is never in kwargs. # (an old version of this code crashed when 'target' was # not given, but no one complained). Remove the conditional? if kwargs.get('private', False) or is None: kwargs['target'] = msg.nick else: kwargs['target'] = kwargs.get('to', None) or msg.args[0] if 'prefixNick' not in kwargs: kwargs['prefixNick'] = self._defaultPrefixNick(msg) self._sendReply(s, msg=msg, **kwargs)
def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self.irc, attr) def _replyOverhead(self, msg, **kwargs): """Returns the number of bytes added to a PRIVMSG payload, either by Limnoria itself or by the server. Ignores tag bytes, as they are accounted for separately.""" # FIXME: big hack. # _makeReply does a lot of internal state computation, especially # related to the final target to use. # I tried to get them out of _makeReply but it's a clusterfuck, so I # gave up. Instead, we call _makeReply with a dummy payload to guess # what overhead it will add. payload = 'foo' channel = msg = copy.deepcopy(msg) # because _makeReply calls .tag('repliedTo') = channel # ugh... copy.deepcopy uses msg.__reduce__ reply_msg = _makeReply(self, msg, payload, **kwargs) # strip tags, add prefix reply_msg = ircmsgs.IrcMsg( msg=reply_msg, server_tags={}, prefix=self.prefix) return len(str(reply_msg)) - len(payload) def _sendReply(self, s, target, msg, sendImmediately=False, noLengthCheck=False, **kwargs): if sendImmediately: sendMsg = self.irc.sendMsg else: sendMsg = self.irc.queueMsg if isinstance(self.irc, self.__class__): s = s[:conf.supybot.reply.maximumLength()] return self.irc.reply(s, noLengthCheck=noLengthCheck, **kwargs) elif noLengthCheck: # noLengthCheck only matters to NestedCommandsIrcProxy, so # it's not used here. Just in case you were wondering. m = _makeReply(self, msg, s, **kwargs) sendMsg(m) return m else: s = ircutils.safeArgument(s) allowedLength = conf.get(conf.supybot.reply.mores.length, channel=target, if not allowedLength: # 0 indicates this. allowedLength = 512 - self._replyOverhead(msg, **kwargs) maximumMores = conf.get(conf.supybot.reply.mores.maximum, channel=target, maximumLength = allowedLength * maximumMores if len(s) > maximumLength: log.warning('Truncating to %s bytes from %s bytes.', maximumLength, len(s)) s = s[:maximumLength] s_size = len(s.encode()) if minisix.PY3 else len(s) if s_size <= allowedLength or \ not conf.get(conf.supybot.reply.mores, channel=target, # There's no need for action=self.action here because # action implies noLengthCheck, which has already been # handled. Let's stick an assert in here just in case. assert not kwargs.get('action') m = _makeReply(self, msg, s, **kwargs) sendMsg(m) return m # The '(XX more messages)' may have not the same # length in the current locale allowedLength -= len(_('(XX more messages)')) + 1 # bold chunks = ircutils.wrap(s, allowedLength) # Last messages to display at the beginning of the list # (which is used like a stack) chunks.reverse() instant = conf.get(conf.supybot.reply.mores.instant, channel=target, # Big complex loop ahead, with lots of cases and opportunities for # off-by-one errors. Here is the meaning of each of the variables # # * 'i' is the number of chunks after the current one # # * 'is_first' is True when the message is the very first message # (so last iteration of the loop) # # * 'is_last' is True when the message is the very last (so first # iteration of the loop) # # * 'is_instant' is True when the message is in one of the messages # sent immediately when the command is called, ie. without # calling @misc more. (when supybot.reply.mores.instant is 1, # which is the default, this is equivalent to 'is_first') # # * 'is_last_instant' is True when the message is the last of the # instant message (so the first iteration of the loop with an # instant message). # # We need all this complexity because pagination is hard, and we # want: # # * the '(XX more messages)' suffix on the last instant message, # and every other message (mandatory, it's a great feature), # but not on the other instant messages (mandatory when # multiline is enabled, but very nice to have in general) # * the nick prefix on the first message and every other message # that isn't instant (mandatory), but not on the other instant # messages (also mandatory only when multiline is enabled) msgs = [] for (i, chunk) in enumerate(chunks): is_first = i == len(chunks) - 1 is_last = i == 0 is_instant = len(chunks) - i <= instant is_last_instant = len(chunks) - i == instant if is_last: # last message, no suffix to add pass elif is_instant and not is_last_instant: # one of the first messages, and the next one will # also be sent immediately, so no suffix pass else: if i == 1: more = _('more message') else: more = _('more messages') n = ircutils.bold('(%i %s)' % (len(msgs), more)) chunk = '%s %s' % (chunk, n) if is_instant and not is_first: d = kwargs.copy() d['prefixNick'] = False msgs.append(_makeReply(self, msg, chunk, **d)) else: msgs.append(_makeReply(self, msg, chunk, **kwargs)) instant_messages = [] while instant > 0 and msgs: instant -= 1 response = msgs.pop() instant_messages.append(response) # XXX We should somehow allow these to be returned, but # until someone complains, we'll be fine :) We # can't return from here, though, for obvious # reasons. # return m if conf.supybot.protocols.irc.experimentalExtensions() \ and 'draft/multiline' in self.state.capabilities_ack \ and len(instant_messages) > 1: # More than one message to send now, and we are allowed to use # multiline batches, so let's do it self.queueMultilineBatches( instant_messages, target, msg.nick, concat=True, allowedLength=allowedLength, sendImmediately=sendImmediately) else: for instant_msg in instant_messages: sendMsg(instant_msg) if not msgs: return prefix = msg.prefix if target and ircutils.isNick(target): try: state = self.getRealIrc().state prefix = state.nickToHostmask(target) except KeyError: pass # We'll leave it as it is. if '!' in prefix and '@' in prefix: mask = prefix.split('!', 1)[1] self._mores[mask] = msgs public = bool( private = kwargs.get('private', False) or not public self._mores[msg.nick] = (private, msgs) return response
[docs] def queueMultilineBatches(self, msgs, target, targetNick, concat, allowedLength=0, sendImmediately=False): """Queues the msgs passed as argument in batches using draft/multiline batches. This errors if experimentalExtensions is disabled or draft/multiline was not negotiated.""" assert conf.supybot.protocols.irc.experimentalExtensions() assert 'draft/multiline' in self.state.capabilities_ack if allowedLength: # 0 indicates this. largest_msg_size = allowedLength else: # Used as upper bound of each message's size to decide how many # messages to put in each batch. largest_msg_size = max(len(msg.args[1]) for msg in msgs) multiline_cap_values = ircutils.parseCapabilityKeyValue( self.state.capabilities_ls['draft/multiline']) # All the messages in instant_messages are to be sent # immediately, in multiline batches. max_bytes_per_batch = int(multiline_cap_values['max-bytes']) # We have to honor max_bytes_per_batch, but I don't want to # encode messages again here just to have their length, so # let's assume they all have the maximum length. # It's not optimal, but close enough and simplifies the code. messages_per_batch = max_bytes_per_batch // largest_msg_size # "Clients MUST NOT send tags other than draft/multiline-concat and # batch on messages within the batch. In particular, all client-only # tags associated with the message must be sent attached to the initial # BATCH command." # -- <> # So we copy the tags of the first message, discard the tags of all # other messages, and apply the tags to the opening BATCH server_tags = msgs[0].server_tags for batch_msgs in utils.iter.grouper(msgs, messages_per_batch): # TODO: should use sendBatch instead of queueBatch if # sendImmediately is True batch_name = ircutils.makeLabel() batch = [] batch.append(ircmsgs.IrcMsg(command='BATCH', args=('+' + batch_name, 'draft/multiline', target), server_tags=server_tags)) for (i, batch_msg) in enumerate(batch_msgs): if batch_msg is None: continue # 'grouper' generates None at the end assert 'batch' not in batch_msg.server_tags # Discard the existing tags, and add the batch ones. batch_msg.server_tags = {'batch': batch_name} if concat and i > 0: # Tell clients not to add a newline after this batch_msg.server_tags['draft/multiline-concat'] = None batch.append(batch_msg) batch.append(ircmsgs.IrcMsg( command='BATCH', args=('-' + batch_name,))) self.queueBatch(batch)
SimpleProxy = ReplyIrcProxy # Backwards-compatibility
[docs]class NestedCommandsIrcProxy(ReplyIrcProxy): "A proxy object to allow proper nesting of commands (even threaded ones)." def __init__(self, irc, msg, args, nested=0): assert isinstance(args, list), 'Args should be a list, not a string.' super(NestedCommandsIrcProxy, self).__init__(irc, msg) self.nested = nested self.repliedTo = False if not self.nested and isinstance(irc, self.__class__): # This means we were given an NestedCommandsIrcProxy instead of an # irclib.Irc, and so we're obviously nested. But nested wasn't # set! So we take our given Irc's nested value. self.nested += irc.nested maxNesting = conf.supybot.commands.nested.maximum() if maxNesting and self.nested > maxNesting: log.warning('%s attempted more than %s levels of nesting.', self.msg.prefix, maxNesting) self.error(_('You\'ve attempted more nesting than is ' 'currently allowed on this bot.')) return # The deepcopy here is necessary for Scheduler; it re-runs already # tokenized commands. There's a possibility a simple copy[:] would # work, but we're being careful. self.args = copy.deepcopy(args) self.counter = 0 self._resetReplyAttributes() if not args: self.finalEvaled = True self._callInvalidCommands() else: self.finalEvaled = False world.commandsProcessed += 1 self.evalArgs() def __eq__(self, other): return other == self.getRealIrc() def __hash__(self): return hash(self.getRealIrc()) def _resetReplyAttributes(self): = None self.action = None self.notice = None self.private = None self.noLengthCheck = None self.prefixNick = self._defaultPrefixNick(self.msg)
[docs] def evalArgs(self, withClass=None): while self.counter < len(self.args): self.repliedTo = False if isinstance(self.args[self.counter], minisix.string_types): # If it's a string, just go to the next arg. There is no # evaluation to be done for strings. If, at some point, # we decided to, say, convert every string using # ircutils.standardSubstitute, this would be where we would # probably put it. self.counter += 1 else: assert isinstance(self.args[self.counter], list) # It's a list. So we spawn another NestedCommandsIrcProxy # to evaluate its args. When that class has finished # evaluating its args, it will call our reply method, which # will subsequently call this function again, and we'll # pick up where we left off via self.counter. cls = withClass or self.__class__ cls(self, self.msg, self.args[self.counter], nested=self.nested+1) # We have to return here because the new NestedCommandsIrcProxy # might not have called our reply method instantly, since # its command might be threaded. So (obviously) we can't # just fall through to self.finalEval. return # Once all the list args are evaluated, we then evaluate our own # list of args, since we're assured that they're all strings now. assert all(lambda x: isinstance(x, minisix.string_types), self.args) self.finalEval()
def _callInvalidCommands(self): log.debug('Calling invalidCommands.') threaded = False cbs = [] for cb in self.irc.callbacks: if hasattr(cb, 'invalidCommand'): cbs.append(cb) threaded = threaded or cb.threaded def callInvalidCommands(): self.repliedTo = False for cb in cbs: log.debug('Calling %s.invalidCommand.', try: cb.invalidCommand(self, self.msg, self.args) except Error as e: self.error(str(e)) except Exception as e: log.exception('Uncaught exception in %s.invalidCommand.', log.debug('Finished calling %s.invalidCommand.', if self.repliedTo: log.debug('Done calling invalidCommands: %s.', return if threaded: name = 'Thread #%s (for invalidCommands)' % world.threadsSpawned t = world.SupyThread(target=callInvalidCommands, name=name) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() else: callInvalidCommands()
[docs] def findCallbacksForArgs(self, args): """Returns a two-tuple of (command, plugins) that has the command (a list of strings) and the plugins for which it was a command.""" assert isinstance(args, list) args = list(map(canonicalName, args)) # Find a list maxL such that maxL = args[0:n] for the largest n # possible such that maxL is a command. cbs = [] maxL = [] for cb in self.irc.callbacks: if not hasattr(cb, 'getCommand'): continue L = cb.getCommand(args) if L and L >= maxL: # equivalent to "L and len(L) >= len(maxL)", because L and maxL # are both "prefixes" of the same list. maxL = L cbs.append((cb, L)) assert isinstance(L, list), \ 'getCommand now returns a list, not a method.' assert utils.iter.startswith(L, args), \ 'getCommand must return a prefix of the args given. ' \ '(args given: %r, returned: %r)' % (args, L) log.debug('findCallbacksForArgs: %r', cbs) # Filter out all the entries in cbs that are smaller than maxL (ie. # maxL contains them, with more items at the end.) cbs = [cb for (cb, L) in cbs if L == maxL] if len(maxL) == 1: # Special case: one arg determines the callback. In this case, we # have to check, in order: # 1. Whether the arg is the same as the name of a callback. This # callback would then win. for cb in cbs: if cb.canonicalName() == maxL[0]: return (maxL, [cb]) # 2. Whether a defaultplugin is defined. defaultPlugins = conf.supybot.commands.defaultPlugins try: defaultPlugin = defaultPlugins.get(maxL[0])() log.debug('defaultPlugin: %r', defaultPlugin) if defaultPlugin: cb = self.irc.getCallback(defaultPlugin) if cb in cbs: # This is just a sanity check, but there's a small # possibility that a default plugin for a command # is configured to point to a plugin that doesn't # actually have that command. return (maxL, [cb]) except registry.NonExistentRegistryEntry: pass # 3. Whether an importantPlugin is one of the responses. important = defaultPlugins.importantPlugins() important = list(map(canonicalName, important)) importants = [] for cb in cbs: if cb.canonicalName() in important: importants.append(cb) if len(importants) == 1: return (maxL, importants) return (maxL, cbs)
[docs] def finalEval(self): # Now that we've already iterated through our args and made sure # that any list of args was evaluated (by spawning another # NestedCommandsIrcProxy to evaluated it into a string), we can finally # evaluated our own list of arguments. assert not self.finalEvaled, 'finalEval called twice.' self.finalEvaled = True # Now, the way we call a command is we iterate over the loaded plugins, # asking each one if the list of args we have interests it. The # way we do that is by calling getCommand on the plugin. # The plugin will return a list of args which it considers to be # "interesting." We will then give our args to the plugin which # has the *longest* list. The reason we pick the longest list is # that it seems reasonable that the longest the list, the more # specific the command is. That is, given a list of length X, a list # of length X+1 would be even more specific (assuming that both lists # used the same prefix. Of course, if two plugins return a list of the # same length, we'll just error out with a message about ambiguity. (command, cbs) = self.findCallbacksForArgs(self.args) if not cbs: # We used to handle addressedRegexps here, but I think we'll let # them handle themselves in getCommand. They can always just # return the full list of args as their "command". self._callInvalidCommands() elif len(cbs) > 1: names = sorted([ for cb in cbs]) command = formatCommand(command) self.error(format(_('The command %q is available in the %L ' 'plugins. Please specify the plugin ' 'whose command you wish to call by using ' 'its name as a command before %q.'), command, names, command)) else: cb = cbs[0] args = self.args[len(command):] if world.isMainThread() and \ (cb.threaded or conf.supybot.debug.threadAllCommands()): t = CommandThread(target=cb._callCommand, args=(command, self, self.msg, args)) t.start() else: cb._callCommand(command, self, self.msg, args)
[docs] def reply(self, s, noLengthCheck=False, prefixNick=None, action=None, private=None, notice=None, to=None, msg=None, sendImmediately=False, stripCtcp=True): # These use and or or based on whether or not they default to True or # False. Those that default to True use and; those that default to # False use or. assert not isinstance(s, ircmsgs.IrcMsg), \ 'Old code alert: there is no longer a "msg" argument to reply.' self.repliedTo = True if msg is None: msg = self.msg if prefixNick is not None: self.prefixNick = prefixNick if action is not None: self.action = self.action or action if action: self.prefixNick = False self.noLengthCheck = True if notice is not None: self.notice = self.notice or notice if private is not None: self.private = self.private or private target = self._getTarget(to) # action=True implies noLengthCheck=True and prefixNick=False self.noLengthCheck=noLengthCheck or self.noLengthCheck or self.action if not isinstance(s, minisix.string_types): # avoid trying to str() unicode s = str(s) # Allow non-string esses. if self.finalEvaled: try: self._sendReply( s=s, target=target, msg=msg,, notice=self.notice, action=self.action, private=self.private, prefixNick=self.prefixNick, stripCtcp=stripCtcp, noLengthCheck=self.noLengthCheck, sendImmediately=sendImmediately, ) except: log.exception('Error while sending reply') raise finally: self._resetReplyAttributes() else: if msg.ignored: # Since the final reply string is constructed via # ' '.join(self.args), the args index for ignored commands # needs to be popped to avoid extra spaces in the final reply. self.args.pop(self.counter) msg.tag('ignored', False) else: self.args[self.counter] = s self.evalArgs()
[docs] def noReply(self, msg=None): if msg is None: msg = self.msg super(NestedCommandsIrcProxy, self).noReply(msg=msg) if self.finalEvaled: if isinstance(self.irc, NestedCommandsIrcProxy): self.irc.noReply(msg=msg) else: msg.tag('ignored', True) else: self.args.pop(self.counter) msg.tag('ignored', False) self.evalArgs()
[docs] def replies(self, L, prefixer=None, joiner=None, onlyPrefixFirst=False, to=None, oneToOne=None, **kwargs): if not self.finalEvaled and oneToOne is None: oneToOne = True return super(NestedCommandsIrcProxy, self).replies(L, prefixer=prefixer, joiner=joiner, onlyPrefixFirst=onlyPrefixFirst, to=to, oneToOne=oneToOne, **kwargs)
[docs] def error(self, s='', Raise=False, **kwargs): r"""Replies with an error. :arg str s: The error message :arg bool Raise: If True, this will raise :class:`Error` that will propagate so that the caller of this function immediately terminates :arg \**kwargs: See :meth:`NestedCommandsIrcProxy.reply`'s keyword arguments """ self.repliedTo = True if Raise: raise Error(s) if not isinstance(self.irc, irclib.Irc): return self.irc.error(s, **kwargs) elif s: m = _makeErrorReply(self, self.msg, s, **kwargs) self.irc.queueMsg(m) return m
def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self.irc, attr)
IrcObjectProxy = NestedCommandsIrcProxy
[docs]class CommandThread(world.SupyThread): """Just does some extra logging and error-recovery for commands that need to run in threads. """ def __init__(self, target=None, args=(), kwargs={}): self.command = args[0] self.cb = target.__self__ threadName = 'Thread #%s (for %s.%s)' % (world.threadsSpawned,, self.command) log.debug('Spawning thread %s (args: %r)', threadName, args) self.__parent = super(CommandThread, self) self.__parent.__init__(target=target, name=threadName, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) self.setDaemon(True) self.originalThreaded = self.cb.threaded self.cb.threaded = True
[docs] def run(self): try: finally: self.cb.threaded = self.originalThreaded
[docs]class CommandProcess(world.SupyProcess): """Just does some extra logging and error-recovery for commands that need to run in processes. """ def __init__(self, target=None, args=(), kwargs={}): pn = kwargs.pop('pn', 'Unknown') cn = kwargs.pop('cn', 'unknown') procName = 'Process #%s (for %s.%s)' % (world.processesSpawned, pn, cn) log.debug('Spawning process %s (args: %r)', procName, args) self.__parent = super(CommandProcess, self) self.__parent.__init__(target=target, name=procName, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
[docs] def run(self):
[docs]class CanonicalString(registry.NormalizedString):
[docs] def normalize(self, s): return canonicalName(s)
[docs]class CanonicalNameSet(utils.NormalizingSet):
[docs] def normalize(self, s): return canonicalName(s)
[docs]class CanonicalNameDict(utils.InsensitivePreservingDict):
[docs] def key(self, s): return canonicalName(s)
[docs]class Disabled(registry.SpaceSeparatedListOf): sorted = True Value = CanonicalString List = CanonicalNameSet
conf.registerGlobalValue(conf.supybot.commands, 'disabled', Disabled([], _("""Determines what commands are currently disabled. Such commands will not appear in command lists, etc. They will appear not even to exist.""")))
[docs]class DisabledCommands(object): def __init__(self): self.d = CanonicalNameDict() for name in conf.supybot.commands.disabled(): if '.' in name: (plugin, command) = name.split('.', 1) if command in self.d: if self.d[command] is not None: self.d[command].add(plugin) else: self.d[command] = CanonicalNameSet([plugin]) else: self.d[name] = None
[docs] def disabled(self, command, plugin=None): if command in self.d: if self.d[command] is None: return True elif plugin in self.d[command]: return True return False
[docs] def add(self, command, plugin=None): if plugin is None: self.d[command] = None else: if command in self.d: if self.d[command] is not None: self.d[command].add(plugin) else: self.d[command] = CanonicalNameSet([plugin])
[docs] def remove(self, command, plugin=None): if plugin is None: del self.d[command] else: if self.d[command] is not None: self.d[command].remove(plugin)
[docs]class BasePlugin(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): = [] for attr in dir(self): if attr != canonicalName(attr): continue obj = getattr(self, attr) if isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, BasePlugin): cb = obj(*args, **kwargs) setattr(self, attr, cb) cb.log = log.getPluginLogger('%s.%s' % (, super(BasePlugin, self).__init__()
[docs]class MetaSynchronizedAndFirewalled(log.MetaFirewall, utils.python.MetaSynchronized): pass
SynchronizedAndFirewalled = MetaSynchronizedAndFirewalled( 'SynchronizedAndFirewalled', (), {})
[docs]class Commands(BasePlugin, SynchronizedAndFirewalled): __synchronized__ = ( '__call__', 'callCommand', 'invalidCommand', ) # For a while, a comment stood here to say, "Eventually callCommand." But # that's wrong, because we can't do generic error handling in this # callCommand -- plugins need to be able to override callCommand and do # error handling there (see the Web plugin for an example). __firewalled__ = {'isCommand': None, '_callCommand': None} commandArgs = ['self', 'irc', 'msg', 'args'] # These must be class-scope, so all plugins use the same one. _disabled = DisabledCommands() pre_command_callbacks = []
[docs] def name(self): """Returns the name of this Commands object (usually the plugin name).""" return self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def canonicalName(self): """Same as :py:meth:`name`, but normalized.""" return canonicalName(
[docs] def isDisabled(self, command): """Returns whether the given ``command`` is disabled.""" return self._disabled.disabled(command,
[docs] def isCommandMethod(self, name): """Returns whether a given method name is a command in this plugin. Plugins only need to implement this if they have a dynamic set of commands.""" # This function is ugly, but I don't want users to call methods like # doPrivmsg or __init__ or whatever, and this is good to stop them. # Don't normalize this name: consider outFilter(self, irc, msg). # name = canonicalName(name) if self.isDisabled(name): return False if name != canonicalName(name): return False if hasattr(self, name): method = getattr(self, name) if inspect.ismethod(method): code = method.__func__.__code__ return inspect.getargs(code)[0] == self.commandArgs else: return False else: return False
def isCommand(self, command): """Convenience, backwards-compatibility, semi-deprecated.""" if isinstance(command, minisix.string_types): return self.isCommandMethod(command) else: # Since we're doing a little type dispatching here, let's not be # too liberal. assert isinstance(command, list) return self.getCommand(command) == command
[docs] def getCommand(self, args, stripOwnName=True): """Among all the commands in this Commands object, recursively searches for the command whose name is the longst substring of ``args``, and returns its name, splitted on spaces.""" assert args == list(map(canonicalName, args)) first = args[0] for cb in if first == cb.canonicalName(): return cb.getCommand(args) if first == self.canonicalName() and len(args) > 1 and \ stripOwnName: ret = self.getCommand(args[1:], stripOwnName=False) if ret: return [first] + ret if self.isCommandMethod(first): return [first] return []
[docs] def getCommandMethod(self, command): """Gets the given command from this plugin, using :py:meth:`getCommand`. Plugins only need to implement this if they have a dynamic set of commands.""" #print '*** %s.getCommandMethod(%r)' % (, command) assert not isinstance(command, minisix.string_types) assert command == list(map(canonicalName, command)) assert self.getCommand(command) == command for cb in if command[0] == cb.canonicalName(): return cb.getCommandMethod(command) if len(command) > 1: assert command[0] == self.canonicalName() return self.getCommandMethod(command[1:]) else: method = getattr(self, command[0]) if inspect.ismethod(method): code = method.__func__.__code__ if inspect.getargs(code)[0] == self.commandArgs: return method else: raise AttributeError
[docs] def listCommands(self, pluginCommands=[]): """List all the commands in this ``Commands`` object. Plugins only need to implement this if they have a dynamic set of commands.""" commands = set(pluginCommands) for s in dir(self): if self.isCommandMethod(s): commands.add(s) for cb in name = cb.canonicalName() for command in cb.listCommands(): if command == name: commands.add(command) else: commands.add(' '.join([name, command])) L = list(commands) L.sort() return L
def callCommand(self, command, irc, msg, *args, **kwargs): """Given a command name, gets the method with :py:meth:`getCommandMethod` and calls it.""" # We run all callbacks before checking if one of them returned True if any(bool, list(cb(self, command, irc, msg, *args, **kwargs) for cb in self.pre_command_callbacks)): return method = self.getCommandMethod(command) method(irc, msg, *args, **kwargs) def _callCommand(self, command, irc, msg, *args, **kwargs): if irc.nick == msg.args[0]:'%s called in private by %q.', formatCommand(command), msg.prefix) else:'%s called on %s by %q.', formatCommand(command), msg.args[0], msg.prefix) try: if len(command) == 1 or command[0] != self.canonicalName(): fullCommandName = [self.canonicalName()] + command else: fullCommandName = command # Let "P" be the plugin and "X Y" the command name. The # fullCommandName is "P X Y" # check "Y" cap = checkCommandCapability(msg, self, command[-1]) if cap: irc.errorNoCapability(cap) return # check "P", "P.X", and "P.X.Y" prefix = [] for name in fullCommandName: prefix.append(name) cap = checkCommandCapability(msg, self, prefix) if cap: irc.errorNoCapability(cap) return try: self.callingCommand = command self.callCommand(command, irc, msg, *args, **kwargs) finally: self.callingCommand = None except SilentError: pass except (getopt.GetoptError, ArgumentError) as e: self.log.debug('Got %s, giving argument error.', utils.exnToString(e)) help = self.getCommandHelp(command) if 'command has no help.' in help: # Note: this case will never happen, unless 'checkDoc' is set # to False. irc.error(_('Invalid arguments for %s.') % formatCommand(command)) else: irc.reply(help) except (SyntaxError, Error) as e: self.log.debug('Error return: %s', utils.exnToString(e)) irc.error(str(e)) except Exception as e: self.log.exception('Uncaught exception in %s.', command) if conf.supybot.reply.error.detailed(): irc.error(utils.exnToString(e)) else: irc.replyError(msg=msg)
[docs] def getCommandHelp(self, command, simpleSyntax=None): """Returns the help string of the given command, using :py:meth:`getCommandMethod`.""" method = self.getCommandMethod(command) help = getHelp chan = None net = None if dynamic.msg is not None: chan = if dynamic.irc is not None: net = if simpleSyntax is None: simpleSyntax = conf.get(conf.supybot.reply.showSimpleSyntax, channel=chan, network=net) if simpleSyntax: help = getSyntax if hasattr(method, '__doc__'): return help(method, name=formatCommand(command)) else: return format(_('The %q command has no help.'), formatCommand(command))
[docs]class PluginMixin(BasePlugin, irclib.IrcCallback): public = True alwaysCall = () threaded = False noIgnore = False classModule = None Proxy = NestedCommandsIrcProxy def __init__(self, irc): myName = self.log = log.getPluginLogger(myName) self.__parent = super(PluginMixin, self) self.__parent.__init__(irc) # We can't do this because of the specialness that Owner and Misc do. # I guess plugin authors will have to get the capitalization right. # self.callAfter = map(str.lower, self.callAfter) # self.callBefore = map(str.lower, self.callBefore)
[docs] def canonicalName(self): return canonicalName(
def __call__(self, irc, msg): irc = SimpleProxy(irc, msg) if msg.command == 'PRIVMSG': if hasattr(self.noIgnore, '__call__'): noIgnore = self.noIgnore(irc, msg) else: noIgnore = self.noIgnore if (noIgnore or not msg.prefix or # simulated echo message not ircutils.isUserHostmask(msg.prefix) or # Some services impl. not ircdb.checkIgnored(msg.prefix, self.__parent.__call__(irc, msg) else: self.__parent.__call__(irc, msg)
[docs] def registryValue(self, name, channel=None, network=None, *, value=True): """Returns the value of a configuration variable specified by ``name``. If the configuration variable has a channel- or network-specific variable (ie. if its value can change across channels or networks), ``channel`` and ``network`` allow getting the most specific value. If neither is given, returns the generic value. If ``value=False``, returns the variable itself (an instance of :py:class:`supybot.registry.Value`) instead of its value.""" if isinstance(network, bool): # Network-unaware plugin that uses 'value' as a positional # argument. (network, value) = (value, network) plugin = group = conf.supybot.plugins.get(plugin) names = registry.split(name) for name in names: group = group.get(name) if channel or network: group = group.getSpecific(network=network, channel=channel) if value: return group() else: return group
[docs] def setRegistryValue(self, name, value, channel=None, network=None): """Sets a configuration variable. See :py:meth:`registryValue`""" plugin = group = conf.supybot.plugins.get(plugin) names = registry.split(name) for name in names: group = group.get(name) if network: group = group.get(':' + network) if channel: group = group.get(channel) group.setValue(value)
[docs] def userValue(self, name, prefixOrName, default=None): try: id = str(ircdb.users.getUserId(prefixOrName)) except KeyError: return None plugin = group = conf.users.plugins.get(plugin) names = registry.split(name) for name in names: group = group.get(name) return group.get(id)()
[docs] def setUserValue(self, name, prefixOrName, value, ignoreNoUser=True, setValue=True): try: id = str(ircdb.users.getUserId(prefixOrName)) except KeyError: if ignoreNoUser: return else: raise plugin = group = conf.users.plugins.get(plugin) names = registry.split(name) for name in names: group = group.get(name) group = group.get(id) if setValue: group.setValue(value) else: group.set(value)
[docs] def getPluginHelp(self): if hasattr(self, '__doc__'): return self.__doc__ else: return None
[docs]class Plugin(PluginMixin, Commands): pass
Privmsg = Plugin # Backwards compatibility.
[docs]class PluginRegexp(Plugin): """Same as Plugin, except allows the user to also include regexp-based callbacks. All regexp-based callbacks must be specified in the set (or list) attribute "regexps", "addressedRegexps", or "unaddressedRegexps" depending on whether they should always be triggered, triggered only when the bot is addressed, or triggered only when the bot isn't addressed. """ flags = re.I regexps = () """'regexps' methods are called whether the message is addressed or not.""" addressedRegexps = () """'addressedRegexps' methods are called only when the message is addressed, and then, only with the payload (i.e., what is returned from the 'addressed' function.""" unaddressedRegexps = () """'unaddressedRegexps' methods are called only when the message is *not* addressed.""" Proxy = SimpleProxy def __init__(self, irc): self.__parent = super(PluginRegexp, self) self.__parent.__init__(irc) self.res = [] self.addressedRes = [] self.unaddressedRes = [] for name in self.regexps: method = getattr(self, name) r = re.compile(method.__doc__, self.flags) self.res.append((r, name)) for name in self.addressedRegexps: method = getattr(self, name) r = re.compile(method.__doc__, self.flags) self.addressedRes.append((r, name)) for name in self.unaddressedRegexps: method = getattr(self, name) r = re.compile(method.__doc__, self.flags) self.unaddressedRes.append((r, name)) def _callRegexp(self, name, irc, msg, m): method = getattr(self, name) try: method(irc, msg, m) except Error as e: irc.error(str(e)) except Exception as e: self.log.exception('Uncaught exception in _callRegexp:') def invalidCommand(self, irc, msg, tokens): s = ' '.join(tokens) for (r, name) in self.addressedRes: for m in r.finditer(s): self._callRegexp(name, irc, msg, m) def doPrivmsg(self, irc, msg): if msg.isError: return proxy = self.Proxy(irc, msg) if not msg.addressed: for (r, name) in self.unaddressedRes: for m in r.finditer(msg.args[1]): self._callRegexp(name, proxy, msg, m) for (r, name) in self.res: for m in r.finditer(msg.args[1]): self._callRegexp(name, proxy, msg, m)
PrivmsgCommandAndRegexp = PluginRegexp # vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab textwidth=79: